Lot of people think that end is crucial. Because end is always the driver of the ambition. We usually set ourselves the end or the result goals. The End gives us the vision. "The End" at all cost attitude that pervades is the source for all anxiety. It also creates the temptation to do whatever it takes to win.
Excellence is about chasing the professional performance goal & letting the result/end take care of themselves. Make the process of achievement supreme to make the result relevant. Make perfect, the process of performance & don't allow the pressure of the results to choke your performance..
When I was in DHL Express Pvt. Ltd. My boss was always reminding me take care of the performance, Rupees will take care of everything else....
I feel Every practicing manager must frame & put up. The path to excellence is through performance not through rupees...
Matches are won or lost not because the other team plays better, but because a team does not play as well as it can..
You know its funny every time I do something because I love doing it. Let me go & do it very best I can. I can't really do it more than that.
"We think that excellence exists in the results, but I am convinced that excellence exists in the performance as well & even more so in the preparation".
The great team become great because they excel in their preparation.
Excellence is the series of 100%:-
Excellence is the series of 100%. Learn to give every time 100% effort. If you give every moment 100% & then wait for the next moment & say "You know what? This is the moment I wanted to give 100% too" & then the next moment turns up & then you say "Actually this was the moment I really wanted to give my 100% best" And then you will find the little things in life that makes the difference between the good & great just happen.
You don't know who is watching you, from where which opportunity is coming. So always give your 100% best effort.
Sometime we talk of more than 100%. A lot of my friends talk about 110%. Nowadays it is just like adding V before VIP.
You can't do more than 100%.
If you have 1 litre Pepsi bottle Can you fill 2 litres in it?
So you can never give anything more than 100%.
But you can give 100% every moment
If you give 100% every time & you loose you can go to sleep where that you gave your best.
You can take hat off to your opponent & say "Well Done you are better than me today"
When you know that you have given your 100% effort ethically. Than you sleep well.
If I'm bowling to Sachin Tendulkar he hits me 34 runs in an over. Its no matter of shame. If I know myself I gave my 100% effort ethically.
Excellence never seeks excuses:-
When we loose, we seek excuses but excellence never seek excuses
The moment someone says "I would have been good but"..... It means you are trying to assign the blame of your poor performance on someone else.
This makes you are not great already.
In sports, the great team will never say that we have lost because of Umpires. They will just say that we'll come back & do better next time.
"The moment you allow yourself - the moment becoming wrong falls in to your possibility map, than you do go wrong".
In life if you seek excellence, always seek people who are better than you.
"For purely selfish reasons, if not anything else, you should always surround yourselves with people who are better than you, because then you can learn(from them) & grow".
Excellence is not about talent alone:-
Excellence is not about talent alone. In fact major part of excellence has nothing do with talent. It is what you do with talent that matters. I mean What is excellence is all about? Its being in the top 10% in your profession. I know I am talking to the person who wants to be top 1% but lot of ordinary people surround us. Lets say top 10%. Is talent important, when you get to be top 10%. If everybody in the top 10% have the same talent.
So, whats your USP ??
Its what to do with the talent that counts. I think India is a nation, we are dazzle by the talent a great deal. I found that work ethics & attitude counts far far more than the talent.
Talent builds ego. I was fascinated by what I had seen a lot of my friends extremely talented the moment they face the roadblock they don't know what to do? Because they never had to struggled to succeed. They always use talent to succeed.
In the Australian Army, when they are building an elite core team. They look at your track record. If you never failed they don't pick you. Because they say if this man has experienced as a failure. Will he know what to do? They picked people who failed & bounced back. That is where your attitude comes through...
I feel that attitude plays a vital role in everyone's life.
Tendulkar is the prime example. The moment you say Tendulkar. If I ask you one of those things that the Top Host do. I give you words you give me connecting words in one word. If you say Tendulkar I say talent. He played 55 games back to back as a 14 year old, 55 days in a row.
When Tendulkar was born, it wasn't nurse pick him up & say Here Mr Tendulkar your 99 century for you. Its Tendulkar talent that produce 99 century. It is work ethics. Its attitude & more than anything else. when you reached at the top. Its all about "Passion to perform".
In course of time, once you go beyond a certain level, ability or talent is the most useless virtue to possess.
Its what to do with that talent matters. Beyond a point, its passion, attitude & work ethics that count far far more than ability.
Ability talent opens the first door for you, it might open the second door but it is not going to open the last door for you.
Excellence is also about learning from the mistake:-
Excellence is also about learning from the mistake. I am going to tell you. Mistakes can be your best friends. The more mistakes you make, the more you know what not to do & excellence is as much about knowing what not to do rather than knowing what to do?
If you can be outstanding knowing what not to do than road to what to do opens before.
I feel that Everybody allows to make a mistake. Its second or third mistake that do not allow to make. You make a same mistake thrice thrice than you loose respect.
Honestly I tell you I have done million mistake on a professional life. I done some absolute bloomers. But I say I make them again. Because everytime I got the situation I said hang on buddy last time you are doing something wrong. It is almost like alarm bells ringing in your mind......
It is just like asking boss at 1715 hrs for leaving. You know yourself that you make the mistake straightaway. I am taking the example of my boss repeatedly. I can say he is one of the worst boss I ever had in my life. When you have a worst boss like that "You can get away with MURDER"
By the way other thing I discovered
If I say"I can get away with Murder".
My mother thought that I'm talking about Malika Sherawat.
Its amazing How !
She said Mohit......................
I promptly response her "I'm talking of more traditional meaning".
Excellence is about drop your Ego:-
When I joined CII. Initially I tried to compete, that was a biggest mistake I make. I try to compete because around me everybody was asking me how much experienced you have. It is just like, Ghosts are scattered every corner. I had written another 700 pages of Harry Potter on that. Then I decide, I will show them I understand event management. In course of time, I said I don't need to. One of the things worked for me I was willing to be a non-striker. I discovered that if I could play non-striker in the office where I say my job is to make Sundeep look better or Can I make Deepa look better? They will want to work with me, not with someone who is competing with them. And in trying to make them look better, I was looking better myself.
I found that the moment I start playing non striker in the office. I dropped my ego. Incidentally, Let me tell you "If you have ego & anger on your side, you don't need an opponent". You have done 90% of the job of ruining yourself.
Excellence is all about Luck ! :-
What is LUCK? Luck is a combination of preparation & recognition (of opportunities). My view on Luck is "The harder you practice, the luckier you get".
Luck is all about recognizing the opportunity before it comes.
Luck is the fantastic fusion of the person talent & an opportunity spotted.
Let me give you one example on Luck !
When I was hoping to get into good B-School. I have given the entrance test of Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) Mumbai. I didn't receive the interview letter from NMIMS. One day I was sitting with my father. I told my father I did not received Interview letter from NMIMS. I told my father in very brave moment "Lighting always hit the same place". He said "What is the worst thing happen to you" You can call up inquire about this....
What is the worst thing happen they will say your name is not in the interview list. I called up. Professor from NMIMS pick up the phone & he said how can I help you.
I said this is what it is.................
I'm actually feeling quite embarrassed. This is what actually happened with me...... I was wondering my name is in the interview list or may be Postman like the interview letter very much & kept it. I did not use those words I was not brave enough. One of the things I learned from the media never let the truth come into way of a good story. But I spoke along those lines. Professor took my telephone number. He called me on the same day. He said your name is in the interview list.
Is it Luck? Did I make my Luck by calling ?
Think about that.......
Excellence is all about having the confidence to share knowledge:-
"To me, excellence is also about having the confidence to share the knowledge(with others). Excellence cannot be insecure - you ought to be willing to teach your craft to people".
Because when knowledge comes it does not come in the sealed envelope as it only comes to you as singing talent does. My name was never on the address.
The other thing about the excellence some of us never know how could we are. Some of us never know how could we are? Some of us think that we are better than what we are & some of us have no idea ! how could we can be ?
You will find people who achieved excellence have always willing to stretch a little bit. They say "Let me try & see what happen if I try this". What is worst thing happen in my father language? The worst thing happen you will fail. That is why most of the working professional are too good at the age between 22 & 27. Because by then they stretch & succeed or stretch & failed they know what to do? or What can't do? So I find what can't do is very big for me.
Suppose I'm sitting with my boss I can't comment & argument on how the event is organized?
But all of us learn by trying.
"A wrong is always stepping stone to right".
Failure is always a step to success- the previous, in fact".
"If you really want something, sometime you will get it & there is no scientific explanation for this".
Always live in present, live by actions & not by words.
At last I will just share a few lines.
My father who is a great lover of Urdu poetry. He told me once, he put two chairs outside. We lived in Banaras not in Bombay. So he could put two chairs outside without being in someone else house or sadly these days without being in the flood. He talk to me various things about life.
He told me four great lines...
"Khudko kar bhuland itna ki, har takhdeer ke pehle khuda bhande se pooche - batha teri raza kya hai" - Its a great state of mind to aspire to be to raise yourself to such a level that God wants to grant you fortune, he will ask you what do you want?.....................