Saturday 6 August 2011

The Golden Girl

Pri3 is the most mysterious girl. The best thing about her is she love to enjoy every moment of her life. She want to make each moment memorable. She is truly by heart. The best human being I ever meet in my life...


Pri3, Think of how much I like you, when you cry, I cry with you.
Pri3, Sometimes the world is a darkplace. But the blackest night cracks with the dawn's rays.
Your Happiness spreads joy all around. The sun emerges & warms the ground.

Honestly I tell you I learned a lot from you. You are a source of inspiration for me.
Pri3 I can never replaced the friends which you have lost in the past.
But I should be honour if you learn to call me your "Best friend"

Your well wisher always,
The Showstopper :)

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